Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fall Is Here!

Well here we are at the end of October. Fall is in full swing and with the new season upon us, my gaming has picked up as is my ability to paint etc. I have managed to get 4 units re-mounted and touched up for my ACW collection. They are flocked and all the need now is unit names. I re-mounted several batteries as well. They need names and some flocking. I have one more unit that needs some flocking and to be named. It seemed like forever, but once I see them as a unit, I am amazed at how quickly they all came together. I am down to one box cover for reamed paper full of figs to complete. I would have to admit that the tedious part is touching up and adding paint to the figs. But once that process is completed, the mounting is a snap!

Last weekend 3 of us from our local group went to Rock Con located in Rockford Illinois. The drive is close enough where we can go for the day and back. There appeared to be a sizable amount of gamers at the convention. My friend had put his name in to ref a game, but as luck would have it, it wasn't listed in the program handed out at the convention. It was listed on their web page, but that is of no use once at the con. The game was going to be 25mm Mexican Revolution. Very pretty figs and an interesting period in history.

I did play in 3 games again this year. The first was a WW2 naval game of Americans vs. Japanese. The scenario was based off a real battle fought in the Aleutian Islands. Both sides achieved a victory making the game an obvious draw. The rules were different from what we use in our naval games, but playable and a good time. If I ever used those rules for our group, I would tweak a couple things but overall, a decent set of rules.

The 2nd game I was in was a used the Warmaster rules for the 800-900AD period. The specifics escape me at this time, but it was a victory for our side. The game at first seemed like we were going to rout our opponents. But they made a courageous comeback making it a much narrower victory.

The last game I was in was a 10mm ACW game. The Union were attempting to march on Richmond as the Confederates were making a stand. The game was really a meeting engagement and we used a fast set of rules that were easy to learn. They are named A Terrible Discord. The game is fought on a brigade scale with suppression being a key component. You could kill whole stands by fire, but it was more by attrition. The game used a board game combat results table and it actually worked. Firing from both sides were figured into the results, so if you fired at 1-1 odds, there was a chance the attacker could suffer a negative result. I did enjoy the rules and actually may use a few things for my own set of rules. I had a few disagreements about the rules, but overall, they were a nice set and if I ever decided to game in 10mm ACW, I would seriously consider using them.

Well that is it for now. I am not gaming this week, but when I do game again, I will be sure to update. I am hoping to get a chance to game a lot in the near future and I am looking forward to posting my remarks! I am looking at doing another ACW game in November, but a date has not been set as my regular life takes precedence and I have a few irons in the fire.

Until next time, may the die rolls go your way!

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