Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I cannot believe it has been since October of 2008 since I last blogged! My goal was to try and post at least once a week but I guess I failed:) Well, I am going to try and get back into it soon! If I can get to twice a week, I would be glad but no promises!

I am still gaming but really haven't done much with my ACW collection. I believe I stated in the past that I was working on my micro armor. I got a decent start, but have dropped off since. I would like to try and get that going again as I always have ideas running through my head. Don't we all:) It just boils down to plain and simple execution! So far, ideas yes, execution no.

My last game night involved our group playing the board game: A Divided House. The War Between the States played in its entirety. I like the game but have a few issues. Nothing that couldn't be rectified with a few added house rules. It is a fast moving game, though we did not finish. After writing down the locations of all units for both sides, the game was packed up and ready to continue another night. As the Southern player, we were holding our own, but I feel we could have done better if we had understood a few of the rules a little better. I just considered a learning experience.

Hopefully we will finish the game and I can give another report. Until than, nothing is on the horizon, but as I stated before, I hope to get back into more blogging about my gaming adventures!

Until Next Time....

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