Friday, June 29, 2007

The Battle of Laguna Morales

Hi All! Been awhile since I last blogged so I thought I had better get up to speed! Last weekend, my friend Mike had us fight a battle for his Mexican American War campaign he began. The Mexican commander for the campaign as well as the American, are both players from out East. They do the strategic moves for the campaign and we are to fight the battles when contacts are made.

As part of the campaign, those of us who were the overall commanders for the game were to write up a report of the game/battle. I was the Mexican commander, so I was tasked with the report to write. Below is the report I wrote:

The Battle of Laguna Morales

After recieving the message that the American's had landed at Laguna de Morales, General Alvarado assembled a quick force to replulse the invading Gringo's! Along with the message, a special directive had been delivered from his Excellency to be read to the troops, but the wise general would read it at the start of the attack!

Before the men made their assault, General Alvarado read the speech from his Excellency. The speech had caused such an enormous sense of pride among the units, they launched themselves into the attack with tears in their eyes and the words echoing in their ears! A true sense of patriotism could clearly be seen as the men stood tall and marched smart! With a loud roar, the men took up their positions and readied for the great battle!

General Alvarado used his advantage of the Gulf to secure his right flank. The Cavalry units moved directly from Laguna de Morales straight into the teeth of the Gringo stronghold!

Emotions were high as the men moved at a rapid pace catching the Americans by surprise as the infantry units had struck the weak spot of the Gringo's! The day would be theirs!

The Zapadores took a small mesa as the 6th Regs secured their left flank. They faced a small unit of Americans, and another that had been protecting a Gringo cannon. The San Patricios and the 10th kept pace to the left of the 6th. With an eruption of muskets, the battle was engaged.

The Zapadores and the 6th made quick work of the small unit of Americans, routing them from the field. Minor casualties were recieved, but this seemed to only spur the men on to avenge the deaths of their friends and familiy!

The 10th and San Patricios manuevered further to the left to support the Cavalry.

The cavalry came up in column, but quickly changed to line as they faced a cannon and a larger Gringo unit. They marched in unison until reaching the pivotal point to launch their charge! The Gringo's seemed to be taken by surprise as the cav came in.

The cavalry Presidial, with morale high, came in and struck the Gringo cannon! With the men launching their horses over the embankments of the protected gun, the Gringo's fled at such a glorious sight of precision horsemanship!

The Gringo infantry supporting the gun, seemed to be leaderless as they tried to make a fight of it. With the Presidial's moving against them and being overwhelmed by our infantry, they decided to form square for they had no place to go. With a combination of muskets and the cav charge, the Gringo unit was routed away, never to return.

With their honor running high and the routing of 2 Gringo infantry units and a cannon, our infantry continued onwards. Seeing that the Gringo's were flanked, the lines of infantry opened up on a second Gringo gun. The cannon managed a couple shots, again causing minor casualties, before it was in turn destroyed!

With Genaral Alvarado urging his men forward, the men continued the attack, victory within their grasp! Gringo Marines soon turned their guns upon our glorious units! With the flags of Mexico and the regiments fluttering in the wind, the words of his Excellency ringing in his ears, General Alvarado ordered the men into the breech one more time!

From his perch upon his great steed, he watched the units of the San Patricio, 6th Regs and the Zapadores hurl themselves in. General Alvarado repeated the words of His excellency to urge the men onwards! However, as fate would have it, only the San Patricio's made the initial assault.

The Marines of the US Navy had held their ground as our units were repulsed. General Alvarado decided it was too much and ordered a general retreat. The Gringo's had offered to let him leave, but must sacrifice the cannon. Alvarado scoffed at such a request and decided to let the Gringo's try and take them by force.

Though General Alvarado was proud of the way his men had fought, he felt a sense of dishonor for failing His Excellency. As the Gringo's tried to take the guns, General Alvarado kept command of what was left of the 6th. While fighting this delaying action to save the cannon, he too was sacrificed in the great battle of Laguna de Morales! Taking a bullet to the stomach facing the enemy, directing fire till the end, he was brought back by his heroic troops so as not to fall into the hands of the Gringo's. The cannon had slipped away!

Before he died, General Alvarado was heard saying; "I have watched my men shed blood for me, now I must shed blood for them!" With the words of Attack, Attack, Attack, Attack echoing in his ears, General Alvarado had slipped away from his earthly confinement.

Some pictures were taken of the game, but I wasn't one of them. The other guy's camera was giving him trouble so I am unable to attach any. The Mexicans in this particular game proved themselves rather well! Of course the die rolling plays a major part, but the rolls went our way till the end.
Till Next Time!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Chariot Lords Part 2

This past Saturday night, our little group got together and finished the Chariot Lords game we started. One of the guys was unable to attend, fortunately, another guy showed up and was able to take his place.

We had written down all the placements before we finished up our previous game. After a brief rules review for the new guy, we placed our games pieces down and commenced to gaming. As the Assyrian player, odds were in my favor that I was to prevail. However, the gods had other plans. Again, I can't remember all the groups of people that arrived over the game span, but it basically came down to me and the gentleman who was playing the Egyptians and their ilk.

It was touch and go for awhile, and the game went on until it reached almost midnight. When the smoke cleared, I was in 2nd place and the Egyptian player had won outright with the points tallied. Basically, he beat me by grabbing up more land. I had the opportunity to grab more myself, but failed to do so on several occasions. Also, I had made a mistake when totalling up my points for the lands I had occupied. Instead of counting 2pt's for some hilly terrain, for some reason, I only counted them as 1pt each. This had gone on since the first time we played. No excuse though. The rules were clearly explained and written down. I just failed in my adding and I am of the belief, I would have won if I had tallied correctly. We can't go back and change things, so I accept my defeat and look forward to another game of Chariot Lords.

We did come across one problem and resolved it as best we could. During the game, a group of people arrive from off the board and go against the Egyptian peoples. The stacking rules are pretty clear, which seemed confusing. The arriving people had more counters than the rules allowed as written for stacking purposes. They could only arrive on one particular space. We had them come in all at once and battle the Egyptians. However, the arriving group failed to defeat the Egyptians in battle and were forced to leave after 2 rounds of combat. They sat off on the board edge until it was their turn again. The rules did not specify what to do if defeated, so we house ruled the situation and let them try again. They arrived and again were defeated soundly hence ending their short lived regime. The gamer of said peoples was going to e-mail the game designer for clarification.
There is no game this upcoming Saturday, but I still plan to blog down the road.
Until then, Good Gaming and may the dice be with you!