Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pictures From WW2 Game

WW2 Game

Well Hello Again!

We finished our WW2 game using the rules Battlegroup Panzer Grenadier. The game was called do to time, but the Germans were pressing despite some unexpected casualties. Like I said, the rules are frustrating but in a good way. Once we get used to them, we will understand how to do some things. I learned how to do an assault using halftracks and dismounted infantry. I also was on the short end of the stick when it came to tank casualties.

I had managed to bring my 5 PzIII's into action against some Russian Bt-7's.I figured I would have an easy time of it, but I managed to lose 3 of them before driving the Russians back with my 88. I managed to knock out 3 Russian tanks before I lost the 88. Firing it is fun because you have a rule in there that allow's a person to use concentrated fire. This means it can fire twice in one turn. If you destroy the first target, you can fire on a target closest to your original target. If you miss the first target, you must fire again at the same target. My 88 was a victim of a Russian 76 that had the same capability.The terrain was not to friendly for setting up the 88, so I moved it to what I thought was a relative safe position. Lesson learned: No position is safe on a battlefield. After knocking out 2 Bt-7's, my 88 was destroyed. I won't deny I was upset because it took me awhile to get it into a place, but that is gaming! The guy I was facing was having one hell of a night die rolling. He was hot with the high rolls which is what you need for this game.

I managed to use my Stuka to attack some Russian infantry on a road in column. It did it's job disrupting the infantry. Artillery is nice, especially with the bigger guns. At the end of the game, I realized why I was having such a hard time with my PzIII's vs the Bt-7's; I was using the wrong gun! I was using the short 37mm instead of the short 50mm. The short 50mm would have changed my attack factor by 2. Instead of a factor of 1, I would have had a factor of 3. This would have allowed me to do more damage to the Russian tanks. My fault completely, since I was using the 50mm when we started the scenario a few weeks back. But with the hiatus between games, I forgot. Again lesson learned.

I am looking forward to continuing with the WW2 stuff as I am a big fan. I did finish painting the SS guys for the game and moved on to painting more ACW figs.

This weekend, we will be having a large scenario using my ACW collection. It will be large as I am using pretty much all the figs I have. The Union fellows have 24 Bgds and the CSA has 17 Bgds. Not including cavalry. I didn't realize I had that much as I never really counted. I just kept painting.The Union will have 14 Btty's and the CSA will have 15 Bttys. I have 2 more CSA Btty's completed, but won't use them. The remainder of the batteries I have to paint will be dedicated to the Union troops.

I will have pictures for sure. I have an awesome camera I recieved for Christmas that takes pictures in super macro. I have taken some pics of the WW2 game and will post them.