Thursday, March 22, 2007

What's New

Not much to report. I didn't game last week nor am I gaming this week. Our group is doing a 15mm WW2 game but I cannot attend as I am going out f town for a few days. However, I have been painting up some Confederate cavalry dismounts. I have a couple Confederate cavalry brigades that don't have dismounts. I had a good number of Union dismounts, so I just painted them as Rebels. I figured they were wearing captured supplies. I did purchase a large number of unpainted figs from Bartertown. Bartertown is an online source for gamers to buy/swap figs or whatever. I purchased about 200 figs for $35. They are Essex figs so I know I got a good deal. The gentleman I purchased them from also through in some extra arty as well as some stands for mounting. Once I finish with the Rebel dismounts, I plan on working on the new figs I bought.

As for our ACW campaign, we have 2 more battles/games to complete before the next strategic turn. Based upon one of the battles we have coming up, I believe I may need to get those new figs painted up! I am not too sure if I have enough brigades involved in my attack upon a Union city. The other battle as me as the defender.
Coming soon, I intend to publish a few pics of my hobby area. I just completed it this past year after about 5yrs of stalling. I manage to get more things done in an hour than I did just doing the painting etc. upstairs. My area is in the basement. Now with daylight savings, I find it somewhat difficult t go down and paint, but I am sure I will get over the change:)
Until next time, good gaming all!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Battle of Neumarket

This is a battle report from our latest game regarding our ACW campaign. I was able to only get one picture as my camera's battery died out.

The battle of Neumarket turned into a rather hotly contested game.Some tempers flared up, but being the battle was a tight game, it was almost expected. The rules worked fine overall, but a few adjustments again needed to be added. More like, I forgot a few things after I typed them up. This will be/or has already been addressed and will be put in print by the time we fight the next battle. We had 3 fights from this last strategic turn. It didn't really affect the game much in the end.The East was attacking the Western town of Neumarket. With 4infantry brigades of 80pts to divide up, a militia unit and 2batteries of artillery, I wasn't too confident at holding out. Figured I would bloody the East up and fall back. I had a good amount of fortifications to use and I did just that. I put 3brigades in town and had the 4th outside supported with an artillery battery. I made them come to me.The East came in with 3 brigades abreast, and 2 Cavalry brigades as well as 3 batteries of artillery. 1 brigade of infantry in the center and 2 to each flank. After seeing what was out before me, I became a little more upbeat. I figured I had a chance. It was 114pts vs 80 and I was defending with the 80pts.As the east attacked, he pressed with the cav on my left flank. I had 1 brigade on that side, but it was facing an infantry brigade as well as 1 battery. In the center, he pressed with 1 brigade and on the right, the same; 1 brigade. Both were supported by a battery.He moved right up to range and the battle was on. I managed to beat back the attacking brigade to my left a couple of times. Even the miltia, in the center, scored some hits before being routed off. I was finally routed out of my field works on my left, and had to fallback leaving my battery unsupported. The battery managed to hold it's own until he was finally destroyed by rifle fire. His battery on my left was also destroyed before he could deploy it close enough to do any damage. Knocked out before it could unlimber.In the center, he held for the longest time at the edge of the field behind stone works. Oh yes, he did charge once, causing the battery in the middle to evade out, but it was eventually destroyed. Never moving to support his attacking brigades on the flank, the center brigade sat for quite sometime. With me in fortified positions, it was tough going. It almost made the fight easy for me.Ya right!On my right flank. the attacking Easterners pressed on. They had the honor of facing 2 Western brigades in their assault. Again, with no help from the center, they were beaten back a couple of times. The East had a battery to use on the right, but it wasn't really that effective. Again, poor die rolling.It wasn't long before morale began to play a role on the Western side. On my left, I was routed after rolling poorly. This opened up my left for the dismounted cav of the East to take advantage. They did just that and managed to move into the town before they retreated for a short time. After I again failed morale on the left,the dismounted cav made their way into town creating some havoc. 2Western units were routing and the cav managed to shoot one of them up, making them ineffective, and routing off the board.After again beating back the infantry on my left, I turned my attention to the middle with my elites. With the cav behind them,they ignored them and focused on the now moving center brigade of the East. They shot each other up pretty good. However, my elites managed a poor die roll and were forced to retreat. The East didn't blink.The right held strong for awhile as well as the center. But my elite boys, in the center, were the cause of the game to end. I was unable to hold Neumarket after they retreated. The East let us leave the field after that.The losses were substantial. Out of the 80pts I started with, I lost42; or 2 brigades! The East, well they lost 58 out of 114. I lost both batteries and he lost 1. I believe if the die rolling would have been better on our side, we could have held. I mean, with an artillery battery firing at canister range, we failed to get a hit on 4 die rolls! Needing 4,5,6's! I guess that's why they call it gaming!Two more battles remain. An attack by my Westerners on the east and an East attack on my lads. Both town fights. Both most likely to be bloody. Right now, it doesn't look to good on my end as I lost a town/city that is in the interior of my little world.Until the next fight!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Infantry and Artillery

The picture at the top is a melee between my Zapadores and the American Mississippi Rifles. The Zapadores beat back the Mississippians and continued a melee against the lads behind. My 2nd Light was able to sweep in and aid my Zapadores, causing the retreat of the second American unit. To the left, is a nice picture of one of the Mexican artillery pieces. This was taken at the start of the game.

After the Firing

This one stand is what's left of the Mexican cavalry charge mentioned previously. This one stand, made his morale, continued with the charge, and actually caused some damage to the American unit. The stand was not wiped out, so the melee continued. On the next turn, it was destroyed. Brave lads!!

Mexican Cavalry Charge

Here, some of our valiant cavalry have manged to succeed in charging an American unit in line. Both units stayed and then the Americans fired before the melee occurred. I believe, this representation of the Mexican cavalry and American infantry actually took place during the war. I do not remember the names, but the member of our who painted these figs, did say this during the game.

Americans on the Move

These were some of the American units I faced in and outside the town. Upper right, you can see the American cavalry beginning to make their sweep to our rear. The cavalry did do some damage before being virtually destroyed when faced with artillery and some infantry units.

Here are my Mexicans in and outside the town. The 2nd Light is in the buildings with the 11th Line Regiment in support. Behind the 11th are my Zapadores. Just outside the picture at the top, more Americans were advancing, but stayed out until they finished off the Mexican Militia. At the very top, you can make out an American unit advancing. Later in the game, the 2nd Light was able to move behind an American unit in town. Along with the Zapadores, they melee'd the Americans and forced them to retreat. This forced a refight for the town.

These were some American units advancing on the town. They are up along a wall and are facing some Mexican Militia. The Militia did not hold up very well, but does any Militia? Just to the bottom of the picture, below the Americans in line, there was an American cavalry unit sweeping the flank. They managed to get into our rear before they were basically wiped out to one stand. Good tactic and very brazen. These were American volunteers. Not the regulars.

Mexican/American War Pics

This is the start of the game we played. These are all units under Mexican General Alvarado. These are the figs I used since I was elected El Supremo for the game. The 11th Line Regiment are the guys in the red pants. The middle unit is the Zapadoras. These were the best unit on the board for the Mexicans. In real life, they were all men who were in school to be engineers. They ended up being front line infantry and could go toe to toe with any American unit. The unit to the right, these are the 2nd Light. They could fight in line or as skirmishers. They do rather well when played right. All 3 units are quality units. Also picture are a couple pieces of artillery. The bottom piece in the red, is an 8lbr.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Mexican/American Game Completed

Tonight, we completed our battle/game we started a couple of weeks ago. I plan on posting some pics of the game as I have blogged earlier. First the report.

As the game continued, I had managed as the Mexicans, to rout the Americans from the town. I moved in and held my ground after a melee with the gringo's. On our right flank, it wasn't so good. We were pushed back until we ended up in somewhat of a pocket. The Americans pressed hard as they should have. They were superior troops to our Mexicans. But, we did bloody them quite considerably! As the Mexicans, we put up a fight! The one thing the Americans didn't do, was to bring their artillery up to support their attacks. With the poor firing of the Mexicans, they could have stood off and just shot our faces off. But they didn't!

As the gringo's pressed on the right, we failed morale's, but we reached a point where the die rolling went our way. This frustrated the Americans. Just when they would fire and cause casualties, we held. The Texas Rangers managed to get loose on our right. Managing to get behind our units, they routed a couple of units, but finally pressed their luck and were smashed! The ended up charging an 8lbr battery and I rolled well, routing them to the point they were no longer a fighting unit. One stand out of six, is useless in this game. The gringo's were able to bring up a couple of regular army units, but they had their faces shot off. Oh, it wasn't like we had our way, we lost heavily as well.

In the center where I was controlling the best Mexican troops, I was able to rout the Americans from the town. The Americans were forced to fight for the town twice to the glee of the Mexicans. After winning one melee, and causing a stalemate with another in the town, I pressed my advantage until the Americans won a melee against me. From that point, the Americans were able to control the town. Falling back, I was able to snipe at the Americans, but I was outnumbered.

Once I was forced back, I was unable to get a decent line of fire. My 11th Line moved up, but couldn't hold. My 2nd Light was routed, only to recover and lend a hand against the Texas Rangers. Once my Zapadoras were routed off the board, was the battle called. My 8lbr artillery piece only had 1 round left, my best units were routed except for the 2nd Light. The 2nd Light was down to 2 stands facing the Rangers and another almost full strength American unit. 6 stands. My 4lbr battery was out of ammo. We called the battle, but it was well understood that the Mexican Army put up a hell of a fight, and caused severe casualties amongst the American units.

It was a good time had by all. One of the highlights was when a Mexican cavalry unit charged an American unit. I lost the initiative die roll, which allowed the Americans to move first. The Mexicans survived the musket fire, losing all stands but one. That stand made it's morale and melee'd the American infantry. The Mexican cavalry stand won the melee, with one stand, and routed the American infantry! This was one of the examples that frustrated the Americans! If a campaign was being played out, the Americans would have suffered heavily. As the Mexicans, we too were bloodied, but it may have been considered a Mexican victory based upon the losses suffered by the Americans.

Pictures to follow.

Friday, March 2, 2007


Well, due to some bad weather, our group was unable to finish the Mexican/American battle we began. We had a decent snow storm last week. However, we should finish this Saturday night, I will give a final report.

I have titled this one ACW, for American Civil War. I plan on giving a little background on my interest in this period as it began several years ago. I attended a re-enactment and it somewhat gained my interest. Not enough to start gaming the period itself, but it peaked my curiosity. Not too long afterwards, one of our members painted up some 10mm figs for the ACW and we used Fire and Fury for the rules. Our group liked the way the game played, and we did a few games as a mini campaign. After that, the groups interest as well as mine, dropped off. I did continue to go to the local re-enactment's that were put on every September. Well, about 3-4 years ago, I regained my interest in this period. I began to paint up some figs and it slowly progressed. I have a large quantity of figs based into brigades for games. I purchased/painted mostly infantry as a start. I then added some cavalry as a compliment to the infantry. I purchased the Fire and Fury rules to conduct some games. I painted up figs as well as purchased numerous from EBay. Slowly my collection grew and we did a few games. Not too much after that, one of the founding members of the group decided a campaign would be much better than just playing out the battles.

He made up a map using one from the Iran/Iraq War from back in the 80's. Of course he changed the names of the towns, but it works well. I nominated myself to be the Confederate commander and one of the other guys opted to be the Union.

For the past 2 years, we have been conducting this campaign. We have our own strategic rules that are very simple to use. We began with Fire and Fury as the tactical rules. We weren't real satisfied with those, so one member took the time to create a very detailed set. But these were rather slow when conducting large battles. After a little searching around, I found the Warmaster version of the ACW rules. After some tweaking, these have become a very usable set of rules. Bloody, fast, and rather satisfying. We have fought some rather large battles in about 4hrs. I should point out, that when I began gaming, I was gung ho for accuracy. As time has gone by, I have subscribed to the theory that a faster set of rules is just as good. After all, these are games. Sure, some accuracy gets sacrificed, but we are just having fun. That IMO is what gaming is all about.

We just completed another strategic turn and I am awaiting the results to see if any contacts were made. I will post a report if a game/battle is at hand.