Well as the title says, here is what I have been doing. Today, I managed to almost finish up my Rebel dismounts I mentioned in a previous post. I have them mounted and just need to touch up the bases, put some flocking and label them so they can be set up with their mounted units. Shouldn't take too long. As for labeling them, I just print out the unit name from my computer on a small font. Then I cut them to fit the stands and glue them down. My stands are 1"x1" metal stands. That way I can have them stick to the magnetic strips I have in my carrying drawers. Not all my units are on metal stands. So I had small flat pieces of metal on the bottoms, but this doesn't always seem to work. They like to fall off. Sometime down the road, I would like to remount those so they are all alike.
I looked at the figs I purchased from Bartartown. Again mentioned in a previous post. After getting a better look, I realized they were more like 20mm as opposed to 15's. Not a good match for my figs at all. I plan on putting them up for sale soon, hopefully just to get what I paid for them. They are nice figs, just to large. I did get a package of 15's that came with this batch. Those I intend to keep. I have a few more Rebels on tongue depressors waiting for me to begin work on them. I plan on getting those done quickly. I also have some Reb cavalry to get at, but without anymore dismounts at this time, I plan on putting them on the back burner. I will focus more on the infantry I have. Plenty of them to keep me busy for quite sometime.
With the change in daylight savings time, I have the urge to be outside more now. Especially with the weather improving towards spring/summer. Not so much in the basement. My gaming and painting tend to slow down. But as I look at it, it is just a hobby and when the hobby seems to be morphing into work, it no longer is a hobby. I figure this is nature's way of telling me to slow down some.
I have put my painting of the Friekorp also on the back burner. We haven't even discussed them in awhile regarding rules etc. I just recently finished up what I had started. My latest idea I have is based upon some rules I found on the Internet. They are for micro armor and I do have a large collection. They seem simple and fast so I plan on working on them soon. I need to organize them and do some painting and mounting. I would like to mount them on metal bases as well. I have some storage drawers with magnetic strips that I haven't used in awhile. These would be nice for the storage of the micro armor.
Well that is about it for now. As more games and projects come up, I will be posting.
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