Friday, May 4, 2007


I know it has been a couple of weeks since I last posted, so I thought I had better get an update out there. As stated in a previous post, with the advent of spring and soon summer, my painting has slowed down. However, I have managed to paint up a General for my ACW collection. I am currently working on another. We haven't done the last two battles as of yet related to the ACW campaign our group has been conducting for the past couple of years. I hope to get them completed soon with complete battle reports.

What we have done though was a game involving 25mm Gladiators. We have a hex board set up for this. Like the arena in Greece. We did this a couple of weeks ago and in the end, I was the overall winner. We used pennies and placed real bets based on the Gladiators outcome.

As per the rules, a list has been made up detailing how a battle is to be fought based on a die roll. All Gladiators are categorized as either light, medium and heavy. This list could have one fighter vs another or multiple fighters in the arena at one time. This did happen! Our group has the home rule of bidding on a particular Gladiator based upon his above mentioned status. We also pay for his armor, helmet and shield if applicable.

The rules are set up that the winner of the scheduled fight is to win X amount of gold from the bank. Players are allowed to make side bets to supplement there existing funds. This was how I was able to win in the end. Supplemental bets are a wonderful thing!

One particular fight had 4 Gladiators fighting at once. I placed a bet that the weakest Gladiator would die first. All he was armed with was a knife! I was one of the Gladiators taking part in this fight. I was "teamed" up with the weakest fighter, so in order to secure my bet, I hunted him down and killed him myself before I died at the hands of the other 2 fighters. It was a glorious death!

We had a few marathon fights as well between some heavy and medium Gladiators. But in the end, it always came down to money and I prevailed. My stable may have been depleted, but with my winnings, I will be able to recoup my losses.

As mentined in the last post, the Vietnam vs the French figs have been completed and the first game is scheduled for tomorrow night. I plan on attending and a report will follow.

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