Saturday, November 17, 2007

Chariot Lords Part 3

A few weeks ago, 4 of us made for our regular Saturday gaming night. One of the guys hadn't played Chariot Lords so we opted to have another go at it. I again played the Assyrians with a better result this time around. I changed my strategy from the previous game. This time I chose to be more aggressive and it paid off. Of course, the addition of a new player helped out.

At the cost of losing some troops early, I made bold moves by attacking whenever I could and looking at my victory conditions more closely. Also, the other results from the other players created more opportunities for me. I made sure to grab land as well as territory within my victory conditions. I was able to accomplish more this time around and piled up the points.

When we decided to stop, I had a substantial point lead and we were about half way through the game. We all decided to end the game and I, as the Assyrians, was declared the winner. If I remember correctly, I had an 87 pt. lead over the 2nd place player. Not only would he have to close the gap, but the added pressure of trying to gain while I also added more victory points, would have been too much.

It was a good game and I do like the game very much. Both times we have played we reached a different result. In my opinion, this makes a good game because everyone has a chance to win if they play to there strengths. Good die rolling helps too!

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